Welcome to Bethlehem Lutheran Church

Worship in person and online Sundays at 10:30AM
(Winter schedule)

Contact Church Office for Zoom access



Services on Facebook

Services on YouTube

Youth Education Schedule


Find Us

1300 St. Francis Rd. Santa Rosa, CA 95409

Church Office: (707) 539-5252

About Us

Bethlehem Lutheran Church (BLC) is a growing Christian community rooted in tradition and open to new expressions. Responding to God’s compassionate love, we reach out in service to the community and the world. With openness of heart and spirit, we welcome all.

As a member of the Evangelical Church in America (ELCA), we confess the Triune God — Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We proclaim Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. In our preaching and teaching, we trust the Gospel as the power of God for the salvation of all who believe.

ELCA Website
Sierra Pacific Synod

Becoming a Member

Journey in Faith

We are glad to have you worshipping with us as an occasional or regular visitor.

Join us at the Lord’s Table and include yourself in one or more of the many opportunities available for fellowship, enrichment and service through our church.

If Bethlehem comes to feel like “spiritual home” for you, you may want to consider the next step in joining us in mission and ministry: church membership.

Membership at Bethlehem is a mutual commitment of care, involvement, and support. Bethlehem members commit to supporting one another in faith, involving themselves in the ministries of the congregation, and engaging in the worship life of our faith community.

New members are welcomed into the faith community at Bethlehem Lutheran twice a year; on Pentecost Sunday (which usually falls in late May or early June), and on All Saints Sunday (the first Sunday in November).

New member classes and orientation are scheduled in the weeks leading up to membership reception Sundays, providing prospective members with the basics of Lutheran doctrine as well as a good taste of Bethlehem’s history and culture.

If you are interested in membership at Bethlehem Lutheran, please call the church office (707) 539-5252 for more information on up-coming membership classes/orientation.

Our Staff

Laura Lightfoot

Youth Choir

Janet Bertoli

Adult & Youth Choirs

Barbara Laferriere

Organist & Adult Choir

Michelle Frabotta

Office Administrator

Tyler Jensen



Church Council and Committees

Executive Council

President: Larry Hallett
Vice President: Laura Knapp
Secretary: Michelle Thompson
Treasurer: Elizabeth Goodson
Financial Secretary: Carrie Winn

Council Committees

Worship: Carolyn Cole-Schweizer
Education/Youth: Janet Bertoli
Stewardship: George Schweizer
Property: Cal Eriksen
Witness & Service: Linda Knapp
BCC/BLC Liaison: Janet Krug
WELCA President: Kathy Hannon


in peace

First Sunday Forum
Please join us for our monthly adult forum on the first Sunday of the month at 9AM, before church. Same link as Zoom Church. Pastor Diane leads discussion on a variety of religious and educational topics.

Book Club
The book club meets every month to talk about books they have read. Everyone is invited to join in these interesting discussions. You can find copies of several of the books on the table in the Narthex.

Choirs and Music
Bethlehem has a strong musical tradition with a variety of choirs for all ages. Choirs meet on Thursdays to rehearse. Please contact the office for information on children’s, adult and bell choir.

Men of Bethlehem (MOB)
Meets monthly on a Tuesday night at 7pm. All men are welcome to join our community for food, fellowship, and discussion. Our lively talks are sometimes based on recent stories in the magazine Living Lutheran, on stories from the Bible, or on current events.

Quilters and Sewing Group
Meets the 3rd and 5th Tuesday of each month (if there is a 5th Tuesday). This creative and hardworking group gathers bits and pieces of material, and turns them into beautiful quilts. These quilts help provide comfort and warmth to many people here in Sonoma County. Helping hands are always welcomed and appreciated. No experience is necessary.

Softball “Bethlehem Believers”
Take me out to the ballgame! Teams from local churches compete for the championship each year. All are welcome, including spectators. Games are held on Monday evenings throughout the season. The “Believers” were the 2019 and 2023 champs!

The Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (WELCA) includes all Lutheran women who gather in more than 7000 locations in the US and Caribbean for SERVICE, STUDY, ADVOCACY and FELLOWSHIP.

Our mission statement is to Mobilize Women to Act Boldly on their Faith in Jesus Christ. All women of Bethlehem Lutheran have a place in WELCA; you are invited and encouraged to attend our sponsored events, whether a women’s circle member or not.

Miriam Circle meets monthly on the 3rd Tuesday at 7pm at a member’s home or in the Parish Hall. Their mission is F.I.S.H. (Friends in Service Here).
Ruth Circle meets monthly on the 2nd Tuesday at 10am either in someone’s home or the Parish Hall. Their mission is Kid Street Learning Center.
Rebekah Circle meets on the 2nd Thursday of the month at 10am in members’ homes or in the Parish Hall. Its mission is The Living Room, a day center for homeless, or at-risk- becoming-homeless, women and children.

Young at Heart
Young at Heart was started by our seniors and is open to everyone who is “young at heart.” The group meets on the 3rd Monday of the month at 11:45am for friendly fellowship at the International House of Pancakes (IHOP) on Fourth Street in Santa Rosa near the Flamingo. Join us!

BLC youth participate in a variety of programs and activities throughout the year designed to encourage faith development, fellowship and compassion for serving the community.


the Lord

Bread for the World
Each year, BLC participates in the Bread for the World Offering of Letters to Congress campaign, writing letters with a legislative emphasis that can make a real difference to people struggling with hunger and poverty. We present them as an offering to God before mailing them to Congress.

Elisha’s Pantry
Christ Church United Methodist (CCUM), in a partnership with Bethlehem Lutheran Church and Shomrei Torah, distributes food to residents in need in Santa Rosa every Thursday at 4PM. The Pantry serves approximately 275 households per month and is located at CCUM in Santa Rosa.

F.I.S.H. Food Pantry
Please take a food bag from the Narthex and return it for the F.I.S.H. food pantry. Baby food, canned meats, pasta, sauces, peanut butter and cereal are always in high demand. As always, anything you can give would be much appreciated. Thanks for caring!

God’s Global Barnyard
During the season of Advent, we support God’s Global Barnyard. Many people in the world benefit from our contributions by being the proud owners of new farm animals. Our monetary gifts go a long way to bring our global neighbors out of hunger and poverty.

Habitat for Humanity
A Christian housing ministry, using volunteers to build, renovate and repair houses for low income families in need. Volunteers from BLC provide ongoing support and participate in Faith Build Projects throughout Sonoma County.

Health Ministry
The mission of the BLC Health Ministry is to promote wholeness of body, mind, and spirit in and through our faith community. Led by our Faith Community Nurse, Debra Knudtzon, the Health Ministry team creates a caring community through visitation for the sick and homebound, resources for health counseling, forums on health issues, blood pressure screenings, healing through special worship services and support groups.

The Human Race
We participate in The Human Race, Sonoma County’s 3K and 10K run and walk through Howarth and Spring Lake Parks to serve our community by raising funds for local charities and non-profits.

Life Pax
Life Pax feed the hungry of Sonoma County. Our youth assemble packs (“pax”) of non-perishable food items. Members are encouraged to store a few in their cars, backpacks or purses and share them when they see someone in need. Donations of $2 per Life Pax helps to support this program.

The Living Room
We support The Living Room, the only day center in Sonoma County exclusively serving homeless and at-risk women and their children, through a variety of designated giving events, including the annual “February Baby Shower” event to collect baby clothing and items for donation.

Rwanda School Project
Provides high-quality secondary education in Rwanda by offering a secure and nurturing school environment that transforms vulnerable youth into future leaders and problem solvers. BLC is an active participant in a congregational partnership supporting the project through student sponsorship and inclusion in our church budget.

Contact Us

Contact BLC


    1300 St. Francis Rd., Santa Rosa, CA 95409



    Working Hours:Monday to Thursday 9:30am to 2:30pm